Friday, August 9, 2024

Nach dem Tode, Fryfogles

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. This morning Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's Nach Dem Tode at Fryfogles circa 1981.

At this time, the band consisted of; Rob Gliddon, Brian Lambert, Donna Turner and Maurice Carroll."

Some details — Rob Gliddon (formerly of NFG) plays bass as does Brian Lambert (formerly of The Enemas). Donna Turner is voice, I gather that's Maurice Carroll on keyboards and, although not listed, I'm pretty sure it was Peter Lambert (Brian's brother and formerly of NFG) on the drum kit. As might be expected their music was very bass centric; it was also very experimental and well outside the "punk" mainstream. You could dance to it but it wouldn't be a pogo!

I do recall this event, I had a mono-cassette from the event that I passed on to Brian a few years ago. That's been digitized into my iTunes collection without song titles (that's the cover I made above for the iTunes album). There was also a cassette, "The Crow Dancer", that came out around 1986 and that's also digitized into my iTunes collection. Brian has a lot of his solo work available under Nach Dem Tode on Bandcamp including the "Crow Dancer" but I'm sure it's not the same.

Rob Gliddon says "This was either the pre-Stranglers show or when we opened for the Stranglers. The Free Press described us as 'Amateurish dirge music'". As we never went to the Stranglers show (I would remember that!) this must have been the pre-Stranglers show.

Google translate tells me that "Nach dem tode" is German and means "after death". That might give an additional hint to the musical style.

Again, many thanks to Dave O'Halloran for sorting through these old photos and sharing them for others to enjoy. The photo album Dave shared to Facebook has a lot of duplicates. I've pruned it down here but left the poorly composed and badly out of focus ... for completeness sake.

Postscript. In early September Dave found some B/W photos (scanned negatives) of this event which have been added to the collection. He had originally guessed that these new photos were from a Cedar Lounge event and posted to the FB Cedar Lounge group but Rob Gliddon and I both agreed that these were from the same Fryfogles event (the clothing matches). Most of these B/W photos are dirty, grungy and many are sadly out of focus. But there's always a gem in the rough to be found.

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