Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Hippies/Kelly Mulvey

The Hippies were a London band back in the early 80's. There going to be a birthday party for Kelly Mulvey (the voice of the band) and a reunion of the band at a party in her honor. The photo in this little ad is one of mine. See recent posting (23/09/29) of band photos.

We were unable to attend this party. I gather it was lots of fun.

Monday, October 2, 2023

UIC - Fryfogles

Click image for more photos ...
Our friend Dave O'Hallaran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. Today Dave writes in the Radio What Wave Facebook group:  

"Shared from the [UIC.....the band from Exeter Facebook] group, these pics are by Reg Quinton at Fryfogles London ON 1983. Fred is wearing the same rubber boots as the very first time we saw them in Centralia ON!! We laughed all the way home about those boots and became fans for life of UIC that very night!!

Some pics of UIC at Fryfogles, circa 1983. This was before Dan joined on bass. Pics by Photog Extraordinaire Reg Quinton."

Some Facebook comments: 

Cindy Webb: "Look at Murray and the hat. LoL"

Mike McGill: "Great photos I've never seen before!"

Dan Lovranski: "I love Fred in his rubber boots!"

UIC, for those from elsewhere, was an acronym for the Unemployment Insurance Commission (replaced in 1977 by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission). In other countries they talk about "the dole" or being "on pogey". The acronym remains in common usage.

I have only the vaguest memories of this event. It's clearly Fryfogles Tavern which was on Dundas Street in London, southside between Wellington and Clarence where the Library now stands. We caught many acts there, it was a pretty good club.

There are some very poor quality photos here, out of focus, over and under exposed. I've spent a bit of time cropping these photos. Usually I'd prune an album down to just the few photos I'm especially proud of and there aren't many here. Dave is more encyclopedic in his choice of photos to share. But for an historical record of a band that was, here it is.

Many thanks Dave for preserving these memories.