Wednesday, May 29, 2024

NFG, Cedar Lounge

Click image for more photos ...
Another morning in Western Australia where we awaken to find that Dave has been busy again .... Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. Today Dave writes in The Cedar Lounge - Blue Boot group:

"Here's some Reg Quinton pics of NFG at the Cedar Lounge 1980. There's at least 2 shows in this assortment of pics as both Rob Gliddon and Marky DeRoux are pictured playing bass. The rest of the band in the pics; Steven R Stunning, Markii Burnaway and Peter Lambert."

This is rather large collection of B/W photos and many have been shared before. Some appear on the NFG/63 Monroe EP which has recently been re-released (see April post in this blogpost in this blog). Looking back from some 44 years later there are some dynamite pictures in this collection. There's even a couple where Simon Lewis, an original NFG member and song writer, appears in the audience. I see Pete Dekoker in the audience — he took over bass duties from Bob Gliddon and Marky DeRoux. In the Facebook group people really like identifying themselves and their friends in these old photos.  I will spend some time organizing the pictures ... when we're not holidaying a world away!

As these are B/W photos I'm confident that Kate and I developed them ourselves. I am shooting a bit of film again but do not long for much of the experience — especially the cost and delays between shooting and seeing. There is a single color slide there, it must be from another session.

There are some very poor quality photos there, some are out of focus, etc., but there are quite a few gems. Usually I'd prune an album down to just the few photos I'm especially proud of. Dave is more encyclopedic in his choice of photos to share. But for an historical record here it is, warts and all.

Many thanks to Dave for his work organizing photos and figuring out the location and time for many of these. My 15 minutes should be over soon ....

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