Friday, September 27, 2024

Witches Crawl


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After Barry and Sam's wedding at our AirBnB at Shediac Bridge, we invited the officiant (who was from Moncton) to share some bubbly and a dinner with us. She said, "Thanks, but no thanks. I have to get ready for the Shediac Witches Crawl." Hmmm.... I wonder what that might mean.

Paula had recommended, and we had made reservations, for the five of us to have a dinner that evening at "Le Moque Tortue". It's an odd little restaurant in a Victorian Era home all decked out in an Alice in Wonderland theme. The Mock Turtle is a character in the story and Le Moque Tortue is the French version. We had been here earlier with Paula for lunch on the patio.

Anyways, we were enjoying our dinners upstairs and slowly became aware that the witching hour had arrived as the hubbub increased downstairs. We met a fellow in the hallway dressed up as a Warlock who had come upstairs to find a washroom that wasn't busy. It turns out he was one of the very few fellows on this witches crawl. The women, of all ages, were dancing up a storm, hooting and hollering with a DJ on the main floor and, with a lovely warm evening, even more were drinking, laughing and having a gay old time on the outdoor patio area. I don't know how many there were at the restaurant when we were there, I'd guess about 50 or so, but the streets were busy with even more of them circulating between the bars. I suspect they were up that evening much later than we. They showed no signs of tiring when we left.

We never bumped into the wedding officiant, but then again, if she was dressed up like the others, we might not have recognized her in her witching outfit.

We understand that this is a long standing, regionally famous, ticketed event celebrated each year around this time in Shediac. It seems to be an autumn celebration well in advance of the usual Halloween hijinks. See the event description. It was a treat for us and seemed to be great fun for the witches participating.

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