Tuesday, May 28, 2024

63 Monroe, Embassy

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This morning we're in Fremantle, WA and awake in to gale force weather. A world away ...

Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. We arrive in Brisbane, Australia this morning to discover that Dave has been busy. He's identified a large collection of photos of 63 Monroe from a late 80's event. Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario:

"Here's some more Reg Quinton photos, this time 63 Monroe at the Embassy circa 1984.  Classic lineup of the band with; Pete Dekoker, Jeff Rooth, Markii Burnaway and Steven R Stunning."

This was a particularly memorable gig with the band dressed in outlandish costumes. Everyone who was there remembers it vividly.

The photos are particularly bad — overexposed, bad color balance. When we return home I'll see if I can dig out the slides and scan them again.

I'm not sure if these photos have been shared before, I suspect they have not. But, in any case, many thanks to Dave for his work organizing these old photos and figuring out the location and time for many of them.

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