Tuesday, May 21, 2024

63 Monroe, Key West

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. We arrive in Brisbane, Australia this morning to discover that Dave has been busy. He's identified a large collection of photos of 63 Monroe from a late 80's event. Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario:

"Here's some more Reg Quinton pics of 63 Monroe. This time it's at Key West, London ON, which was on the west side of Talbot St, upstairs over the Tandy Leather shop. Circa 1987/88, the band as pictured, consisted of; Steven R Stunning, Pete Dekoker, Jeff Rooth, Alex Howard and it looks like Mark Anderson as well.  My fave shot is of Scott at the bar of Key West."

This version of the band doesn't have Markii Burnaway, I suspect creative differences. As Dave notes there are two guitars with Pete on bass. There are some nice photos of Rooster on drums and Scott is as wild as ever and dressed to kill.

I also suspect that some of these are from different events; e.g., the picture of Jeff hamming it up with me was from a Fryfogles event and I think the picture of Scott from behind the bar was a different event when he worked to organize events. But Dave has done an excellent job of sorting these into an event. I'm in at least one picture so either Kate or our guests that weekend were using my cameras. I recall that we and our guests had all bleached our hair that day — with various results. That there are so many pictures is an indication of our station in life; we were both employed and able to spend more on film.

I'm not sure if these photos have been shared before, I suspect they have. But, in any case, many thanks to Dave for his work organizing these old photos and figuring out the location and time for many of them. I've spent a bit of time organizing and enhancing these photos but have not rescanned any. Some should be rescanned as they were way overexposed in the original scan.

Rather than a "See also" section, I invite you to search the blog for other photos of this and other bands from that era.

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