Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ripe Limes

Ripe Limes
When we were in Austin this winter we got a bag of ripe limes from our cousin Jamie and his wife Vicky when we visited their home with Judy. They have a lovely home on Lake Travis and a lime tree by the pool that over produces. They have so many they have to toss them.

In the picture at left these are limes from their tree that have ripened -- usually one wants to pick them when they're still green. They look like lemons, but they're limes. They're quite large, some the size of an orange. In any case from the dozen or so limes we squeezed out about a quart of fresh lime juice. And from that.....

The Perfect Margarita.

Take one fresh lime, cut it in half and squeeze the juice from each half. Measured juice (should be about 1.5oz) but whatever it is, that's your "measure". Slice one of the rinds (toss the other), add juice and rind slices to a shaker with plenty of ice (about 5-7 cubes), an equal measure of triple sec and a double measure of tequila. Shake vigorously and pour into a large glass. Sit back and enjoy.

Some like to salt the rim of their margarita glass. I don't, you might.

Variations and notes:

  1. I like to use the lime rind, others prefer a slice on the side. 
  2. Shaking the rind releases the aromatics. 
  3. Don't strain the lime juice. The pulp that you have is tasty. 
  4.  Prepared lime juice in a bottle is ok but fresh is always better. 
  5.  When you develop a taste for margaritas you'll recognize the fresh plump limes. 
  6.  You can substitute simple syrup for triple sec but then it's not a perfect margarita.
  7.  Never, ever add soda water. Blasphemy! 
  8. Any tequila will do, top shelf Tequila and Grand Marnier make a "Cadillac Margarita". 
  9.  If you add a splash of orange juice then you have a "Morning Margarita". 
  10.  If you add a splash of brine from your jar of olives then you have a "Mexican Martini". 
  11.  If you substitute Mezcal for Tequila you have a "Mad Dog Margarita" 
P.s. National Margarita Day is February 22. But you can have them any time you like.

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