Sunday, February 16, 2020

Guns in Texas

Another Sale on Hand Guns
People often ask about hand guns in Texas. There are some strange laws on issues like open carry (I recall the state legislated that their state funded universities like UTX could not ban licenced hand guns from campus) and there are some strange attitudes about guns and gun rights but we're never really bumped into anyone with a guns -- that we know of. The only persons I've ever seen armed with a hand gun are the police and sheriffs. Kate recalls shotguns and rifles in gun racks in pickup trucks but I don't.

I sent the attached advertisement to a friend of mine who is always goading me about guns: "You should get a .357 magnum when you're in Texas." My intention was to buy him a water pistol at Wal-Mart but in my letter I told him that:

This week it's little guns on sale for very good prices. Last week you could have a cute pink one for your sweet baboo on Valentines Day.
I think I'll pass.
Ps. we passed this pawn shop the other day that had a sign saying they'd buy, sell or loan handguns. "I only need it for a hold up this afternoon."

The idea of loaning out hand guns just struck me as really bizarre. Who would do that? I pointed out the Pawn shop sign to Kate and Cindy on our drive out to Luckenbach. They corrected me -- what the sign means is we'll loan you money if you give us your gun.

Ok, now I understand.

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