Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Enemas, Again!

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Dave has been busy! Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. This morning Dave writes in The Cedar Lounge - Blue Boot group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's the Enemas at the Cedar Lounge, either Dec 22nd o 23rd [1980]. Actually able to date this one as I was at one or both these shows on Christmas break from Fanshawe.

The band consisted of: Brian Lambert, Oliver Kellhammer, Derek Graham, Blaine White and Greg Jarvie and were based out of Guelph ON."

I will refer you to yesteday's blog post for more information and links to previous posts. Suffice to say, this is clearly a different event from the two posted yesterday. I assume Dave has dated it accurately. 

Many thanks to Dave for his work sharing these memories. There are some very good photos that I'm especially pleased with in this album.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Enemas, Cedar Lounge

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. This morning Dave writes in The Cedar Lounge - Blue Boot group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's the Enemas at the Cedar Lounge circa 1980. Looks like it's at least 2 different shows.

[The Enemas] were from Guelph and played the Cedar, Polish Hall and possibly other London locations.

The band consisted of Brian Lambert, Oliver Kellhammer, Derek Graham, Blaine White and Greg Jarvie.

They didn't release anything during their tenure, but did appear on 3 compilations; Animals Fight Back (cassette from London put out by Chris Richards), Hide #3 (artzine and cassette from Guelph) and Slippery's Club Hits (cassette from London put out by What Wave)."

I've gone through the photos Dave posted, eliminated duplicates and sorted them to show the two events. I also commented that I've blogged a bit about the Enemas (2015) and again Enemas (2020) so most of the pictures here will have been shared before. I believe the band scattered after they graduated from University; Brian remains an acquaintance of ours. I suspect the last time they played together might have been at the Graphic Underground London (2012) event celebrating Brian's book which helped to document that time.

An interesting comment was posted on Facebook by Henry Martinuk where he shares a Vimeo posting:

"The Dogs, The Anemics (my band), and The Enemas at The Woodshed in beautiful downtown Guelph, March 8 1980. The sound is extremely lo-fi"

Many thanks to Dave for sorting through these old photos of ours. He's a much appreciated archivist of the music scene we so much enjoyed.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rizdales, Richmond

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It's Saturday and we're in London for several good reasons. One very good reason is this: The Rizdales, our favorite country music band, has a regular "pay what you can" 3:00pm gig! They do this on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Richmond Tavern. We're not regulars but have been several times. It's always great fun.

We arrive in good time and are able to secure a table near the front with "The Dancing Cowboy" and Fred Smith. Fred has a regular "Hard Core Country" music show on CHRW, the university radio station. We chat to both — there's a St Marys connection and our love of country music. Fred and I have a long chat during the break — we share stories of shows we've seen: Steve Earle, Lindi Ortega, and more. We also have a connection through Dave O'Hallaran, who has the "Radio What Wave" show on the same station, but Fred isn't a "punk" fan. I tell him about our Austin adventures, e.g. seeing Steve Earle at Waterloo Records (2015), and give him one of our "business" cards. We've hooked up now as friends on Facebook. I must give his radio show a listen. He tells me I can listen to archived versions; I don't have to listen in real time.

We've been to Rizdales shows here at the Richmond that have been standing room only, e.g. their 20th Anniversary (2023) show was packed to the gunnels! They have a good house today, regulars and dancers our age who appreciate the music and an afternoon show, but there's plenty of room. The Rizdales aren't hawking any merchandise today; they should. But they are playing great music, a tight band (more in a moment), a set list mixing originals and classics, and people are definitely having fun. 

I didn't talk to Tom or Tara before their first set but there is a surprise in store. At one point, between songs, Tara is telling the audience how much fun it is to be here and there's much to celebrate — including that it's Kate's birthday! She's centered out and everyone sings along to "Happy Birthday to You!". Kate is suitably embarrassed but takes it in stride. I swear to her that I had nothing to do with this; I guess Tara had noticed my August 15 birthday posting on Facebook.

The band today is pretty much the regulars: Tom and Tara Dunphy, Blair Heddle on electric guitar, Oscar Macedo on bass and, in place of Steven Crew on drums, it's Carl Welch filling in. I think I recognize Carl — didn't he play sometimes with 63 Monroe? I'm sure he's a London regular. There is a lot of talent in this city. London is Canada's first UNESCO designated City of Music!

At the first break I'm talking to Tom on the street and asking about this country album I hear he is working on. I ask how it's coming along and about funding, he's not done anything like GoFundMe, and he tells me that things are well in hand. He's funding this himself. He offers to share some of the rough cuts with me but I'll wait for the album to come out. I complement him on the music we've heard today and he's rightly pretty proud how they perform. I notice, and he tells me that yes, they prepare a set list, but they don't rehearse for these shows. They know this music inside out and just come to play. Wow! Tom has another regular gig here at the Richmond, "Tom's Dunphy's Classic Country", that has a similar country direction. It's a different cast of characters who sometimes fill in for the Rizdales (cf. Carl Welch).

I ask Tom about the drummer, I notice that it's not the regular fellow, and he tells me that Steve Crew has moved to the St Catharines area. I also ask about the Cameron House in Toronto gig I see coming up in November. He's not sure who will form the band that day, it will definitely be Tom and Tara, but might not be a full band. It will be some version of the Rizdales and should be fun. It's their first gig in the "Big Smoke" in quite a while and should be fun. As I write this, I seem to recall going to see them years ago at some small club one afternoon in the Kensington Market. 

Our good reasons for being in London have us leave early before the second set begins. We have a friend to pickup at the University Hospital and take him back home to St Marys. Kate gives our regards and regrets to Tara from the street as we leave; she's on stage talking to us out the window as she's putting rosin on the bow for the next set.

I'm impressed by the smiles on faces today. It seems like everyone, in the audience, behind the bar and on the stage, are having fun. It's been a good day, a great day even,  "It feels so good, feelin' good again" (REK).

Monday, August 12, 2024

Maggie's Wake, Arrowwood Farms

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Yesterday was a fine August summer Sunday with a dramatic sky. Touch and go weather — it certainly looked like there might be a summer shower. We have tickets to see Maggie's Wake at Arrowwood Farms which is about an hour from here; to the south west of London near the small town of Melbourne (not the one in Victoria) which is on old highway two. Fortunately the weather held, it was a beautiful day for a drive and to see some live music — songs and tunes by local talent.

Kate and I are both pretty keen on Maggie's Wake (also Rant Maggie Rant and especially The Rizdales), we have their Maggie's Wake CD and went to the CD release party at the Grand Theatre back in the spring. We hadn't listened to the music as often as we should and one morning last week Kate heard "Maid of Fortune" on CBC radio, came home and we dug through the songs to find this one that she was so impressed by. The chorus that struck her was: "I will be your maid of fortune, your torch on the darkest night. And I will free your heart of trouble". And Kate says, we should see them again. On Facebook we see they're playing at the Arrowwood Farms and we buy our tickets online right away. It's only $25, how can we go wrong? Well, it might rain.

We suspect this might be an outdoor event and arrive with lawn chairs but are pleasantly surprised to find a very new three season building where the audience is safely out of the weather. The band has set up at one end, there's clear screening to keep our the wind, and there's tables and chairs that we're encouraged to reorganize to our liking. There's also a bar! I'm pleasantly surprised to find out they're offering several drinks we might go for including Pelee Island Pinot Grigio (white) and Pinot Noir (red) which are both quite drinkable, served in proper glass stemware and they only charge $6! When was the last time you got a glass of wine for only $6? I told the server that they really ought to be charging more. There's also several light snacks on offer at the bar. The farm grows blue berries so there's a blue berry square Tara says we ought to try. It's very tasty and only $2 (when was the last time you had a $2 snack); we end up buying more to take home. There's also some blueberry flavored beers and a blueberry lemonade that many are enjoying.

The show start promptly on time and alternates between "tunes and songs"; a distinction we first became aware of at a Stratford concert by Natalie MacMaster several years ago. For those who have not made the distinction: songs are tunes with words. Tara Dunphy is the song writer in this group, Lindsay Schindler writes the tunes. The tunes are in the "jigs and reels" style heavily influenced by music from the Canadian East Coast. Tara brings an Irish/Celtic influence with her violin and tin whistle. Today the band is a foursome with Andrew Kosty on bass and Ken Palmer on guitar (they're missing Stephan Szczesniak on percussion and Dean Harrison on piano). There's a good audience of perhaps 50 or so like minded, and well aged, folks like us with some young friends of Andrew and Ken's age. It's mixed but mostly older folk.

We enjoy the music. We've already mentioned "Maid of Fortune"; another tune that brought a tear to me is "The Life that You Made". Both will make it onto my "Christmas for Kate" collection for 2024. There are many lovely tunes and songs on their album which they showcase today. They play two sets, roughly 45 minutes each, with a 20 minute or so break in between for the bathroom, time to refresh your drinks, get a bite and to sell some merch. 

I talked briefly with Tara at the break (there was that blueberry square recommendation) but also to ask about Tom's album (Tom Dunphy is her partner in life and in The Rizdales). I know he's working on a country album, I suspect this is in the Rizdale's style, and Tara tells me it's going well but on hold for a bit as they're moving. In fact Tom and their two kids are busy today moving stuff to their new home while she's here playing music!

On the way home we're talking about Tara and her music. Kate asks about her playing guitar (in these bands she's usually on violin, flute and tin whistle). I remind Kate of Tara's Youtube channel where she does "one take" covers on guitar of all sorts of music. She's actually pretty good on guitar! Ken Palmer, who plays guitar today, is no relation to Ken Palmer of Home County and Dixie Flyers fame; I asked, he tells me it often comes up.

In closing, we enjoyed the music (as always) and were impressed by the facilities at Arrowwood Farms. It would be a great place to have an anniversary party with music; we wish there was something like it closer to St Marys.

See also

Friday, August 9, 2024

Nach dem Tode, Fryfogles

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. This morning Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's Nach Dem Tode at Fryfogles circa 1981.

At this time, the band consisted of; Rob Gliddon, Brian Lambert, Donna Turner and Maurice Carroll."

Some details — Rob Gliddon (formerly of NFG) plays bass as does Brian Lambert (formerly of The Enemas). Donna Turner is voice, I gather that's Maurice Carroll on keyboards and, although not listed, I'm pretty sure it was Peter Lambert (Brian's brother and formerly of NFG) on the drum kit. As might be expected their music was very bass centric; it was also very experimental and well outside the "punk" mainstream. You could dance to it but it wouldn't be a pogo!

I do recall this event, I had a mono-cassette from the event that I passed on to Brian a few years ago. That's been digitized into my iTunes collection without song titles (that's the cover I made above for the iTunes album). There was also a cassette, "The Crow Dancer", that came out around 1986 and that's also digitized into my iTunes collection. Brian has a lot of his solo work available under Nach Dem Tode on Bandcamp including the "Crow Dancer" but I'm sure it's not the same.

Rob Gliddon says "This was either the pre-Stranglers show or when we opened for the Stranglers. The Free Press described us as 'Amateurish dirge music'". As we never went to the Stranglers show (I would remember that!) this must have been the pre-Stranglers show.

Google translate tells me that "Nach dem tode" is German and means "after death". That might give an additional hint to the musical style.

Again, many thanks to Dave O'Halloran for sorting through these old photos and sharing them for others to enjoy. The photo album Dave shared to Facebook has a lot of duplicates. I've pruned it down here but left the poorly composed and badly out of focus ... for completeness sake.

Postscript. In early September Dave found some B/W photos (scanned negatives) of this event which have been added to the collection. He had originally guessed that these new photos were from a Cedar Lounge event and posted to the FB Cedar Lounge group but Rob Gliddon and I both agreed that these were from the same Fryfogles event (the clothing matches). Most of these B/W photos are dirty, grungy and many are sadly out of focus. But there's always a gem in the rough to be found.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Infidels, Cedar Lounge

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. This morning Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"More Reg Quinton pics, this time it's The Infidels circa 1981 at the Cedar Lounge.

Here's some info from guitarist/singer Dan McGrath: "That's me in the striped shirt. Andrew Glen on drums, Scott Woods at the far end and Phil Hogan playing bass. We were called the Infidels and we're about 17 at the time. We generally would open for the Zellots. We played here a couple times, the Knights of Columbus Hall and Polish Hall on Ann St. that summer. Phil was the lead singer, I only sang lead on Modern Lovers "Roadrunner" which I'm guessing we are playing in this pic. Would love to see more pics if there are any."
[I have only] found these 2 pics."

Bill McGrath commented, "I remember Phil, the lead singer, wearing a Val Halen t-shirt that he later printed "SUCKS" under the logo."

Clearly these images are from the Cedar Lounge and I do think it must have been a Zellots gig — the big round ball on top of the amplifier at stage left twigs with me. Dan McGrath shared a poster of a Zellots/Infidels November 1980 gig at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Colborne St. that I've added to the album. I recall an underage event their (which later became Pete Denomme's venue). The underage folk were violently ill (I assume too much alcohol) and the washroom was a sea of vomit. I suspect it was this gig in the 1980 poster.

Dan shared several posters and I have added them to the album as well.

I would never have been able to figure out the band, or band members. It's really great that Dave can post some pictures and ask, "Anyone have any idea who this band its?  Cedar Lounge circa 1981 Reg Quinton photo."

Many thanks to Dave for sorting through these old photos. There's an occasional gem to be found but always some fond memories to be shared. Thanks again!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Great Gallery Gig, LRAG

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. Today Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"Here's some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's the Great Gallery Gig held at Museum London (then called London Regional Art Gallery) circa 1984.

Pictured are; Omerta, Bits Of Food and Dormant Checker Effect. Big Thanx to Mark Favro for identifying the bands."

Page Graham comments: "Holy Shit! Jeffrey and radio co-hosts! I'm betting it's me dancing in between them, but the photo is obscured by the sax player. Keep 'em coming, Reg! I have ZERO photos of myself from this era. There's gotta be one in your archive..."

These photos, and more, appear with some discussion in my blog post Suffer Machine at LRAG (2021). I see that many of these slides show some deterioration. Mold grows on slides and leaves spots. Worse than dust or scratches as you can tell the film emulsion is rotting away. These were probably slides that we had developed ourselves.

Many thanks to Dave for his work organizing photos and figuring out the location and time for many of these. My 15 minutes should be over soon ....

See also, Youtube videos shared by Mark Favro

St Stephens, Wortley Village

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. Yesterday Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's; 10.000 Screaming Apaches, Bits Of Food and the Terminals at the same show circa 1984.

Thanx to James MacLean for identifying the venue as St Stephens Church, It was at the south east corner of Wortley and Bruce and hosted a few live events."

These photos have been shared before, see my blog entry on the St Valentines Massacre (2021). There's a lengthy discussion there as we tried to figure out the who, what, where and why. I'll not repeat that here, go read it in the earlier blog. Suffice to say there's rather complete details on the bands that performed and how we happened to be there. St Stephens church was torn down sometime after we left London. It's shops and apartments now.

There is one photo here of the Terminals that I had not shared before — it's out of focus. One fan recognized that it would have been Lori Wedge on bass (her back is to the camera). Dave is more of an archivist than me and likes to share all of the photos. That's fine by me!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Forgotten Rebels, Fryfogles

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Our friend Dave O'Halloran (aka What Wave Dave on CHRW) has been sharing on Facebook, with our grateful permission, photos that we had taken of various bands back in the 1980's. Yesterday Dave writes in 1980's Punk Rockers in London, Ontario group:

"Some more Reg Quinton pics, this time it's the Forgotten Rebels at Fryfogles, London ON circa 1982.

At the time the band consisted of; Mickey De Sadist [voice], Mike Mirabella [guitar], John Welton [bass] and Robert Allan [drums]. There's a few pictures from a second show at Fryfogles with a different drummer."

Fryfogles was an important venue on Dundas St in London that was lost to urban renewal many years. ago. The Forgotten Rebels, who still perform with an evolving lineup centered around Mickey de Sadist, were a Hamilton band who sometimes played in London and area. We were fans and even had them stay with us at our home in Wortley Village a couple of times after Cedar Lounge gigs. We saw the rather crappy accommodation offered upstairs at the Cedar Lounge and encouraged them to come stay with us when ever they needed a warm place. Their hope was always that they'd meet up with some "hot chicks" and stay elsewhere ... hopes and dreams seldom realized.

Some Facebook discussion followed. Page Graham asks, "Okay Reg...'fess up! How in the world did you manage to afford so much film, not to mention processing? Back then, I was lucky to get a 36 or a couple of rolls of 24 from the Gazette for an assignment. Yeah...I was basically a broke-ass student. 😉"

And I replied, "Page Graham thanks for asking. I was a grad student in Philosophy and a sessional lecturer in Computer Science. I was, and still am, married to a wonderful supportive woman who had a good job, Kate is a PhD in Psychology, and supported my "art". We would buy film in 50' lengths, wind onto our own cartridges and develop in our basement. We weren't working on a deadline, just having fun, so pics were developed days and weeks later.. We were, and remain, "Weekend Punks". We are especially pleased that others are enjoying the moments we happened to capture and luckily saved (that's pack rat syndrome). P.s. Some of these photos may have been by Neil Farnsworth, a school chum, out with us that night shooting on one of our cameras."

Page tells us, "I was a CHRW DJ and Gazette writer around this time ('82-'85). So we were running in the same pack! Sooner or later there's gonna be a photo of me in the audience. ... and I did a punk radio show with Jeffrey DP and Philby. It was called "Ground Zero". 

Daniel Rudbal asks, "Reg Quinton is it Neil then, in the photo with Suzie Cyanide and Rhonda [Barnes] dancing?" And I point out a couple of pictures where Neil is in the frame adding, "Daniel Rudbal yup, that's Neil. He's in several photos, not sure which are his, which are mine. He finished his PhD, I did not, and moved to Maui in Hawaii. He died, cancer of course, several years ago. We did reconnect on one of our early trips to Australia. He was a heck of a guy, smart, funny and one of my inspirations around photography. We have so many regrets, to hold onto friends is so important.

I hate grave yards and old pawn shops .. for they always bring me tears ... can't forget the way they robbed me of my childhood souvenirs. Memories, they can't be boughten, they can't be won at carnivals for free... It took my years to get those souvenirs... Apologies to JP."

I do recall some of this event (there's a picture of Kate dancing) and do recall sharing cameras with Neil. At the time we had a Canon A1 and an AE1 as well as a good collection of lenses and a Vivitar 285 flash with bounce card and handle. He's using the AE1 and seems to have the 16mm fisheye lens. There's quite a few photos that will be his, perhaps some by Kate as well. No matter, these photos have been out there to be shared for quite some time now. For example, an earlier blog post acknowledges much of the above. And you can dig around in this blog for other posts and events.

Actually, around the time of "This Ain't Hollywood" we were asked to come to a gig in Burlington to shoot photos in hopes of capturing some of the excitement you see in these photos. They wanted an album cover along the lines of  "In Love With The System". Unfortunately it was a poorly attended event and nothing came of the photos taken at that time. I don't have the film as I would have given it to Mikey after the show for them to develop and proof.

Again, many thanks to Dave O'Halloran for sharing these photos and stimulating the discussion and fond memories. The photos are pretty rough, dirty, scratched and often out of focus. They ought to be cleaned up a bit and pruned down. I will still have the negatives and some photos could be salvaged in much better quality where I to have the time. But Dave likes to have them all archived, so be it.

Ps. Dave's work on these photos is keeping me from documenting our recent adventures in Australia.