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Kate and I travelled to Chiang Mai Thailand back in May. We met up with my brother Paul F. Quinton and his wife El Saichua for a few days. For those who are interested here's a
photo album of our trip.
In June Kate had her annual KBS conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Reg’s brother Paul (the youngest of the family) and his Thai wife El came up from Songkhla (where
they live) to spend a few days with us -- we stayed at this lovely resort styled hotel right in the city.
Kate had been sick with a bad virus before we left (in fact, we had
planned to go to China for a week before Thailand but had to cancel that part of the trip). She was still sick
when we arrived in Chiang Mai on Monday but
woke up Wednesday with her face drooping and
panicked thinking “stroke.”
After a day at the
hospital (with the able help of El), she was
diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy (which is caused by a
nerve to the face swelling) and sent home with anti-
viral drugs, steroids, eye drops and appointments for
physio. We spent the day at the hospital seeing the
ER doctor, then a neurologist, blood work, an
ophthalmologist, an MRI scan and back to the
neurologist. In a few days she was much better. But
you might notice a “Chretien like smile” in her
The one good thing about the Thai hospital experience was
the cost. It came to just $1,000 CA and was covered by
our insurance. Kate said she ought to have had a face lift while there!